Return Policy

Mis-shipped and/or damaged/defective items

  • Please inspect your order immediately on receipt.
  • Wrong items shipped, damaged items, product quality issues, missing items, omitted components, etc., must be reported within two (2) days of receipt to, including order number and item information.
  • We don't often create such problems, but know we are not perfect, and will act promptly to resolve any problem.
  • When return of item(s) is appropriate we will furnish a prepaid shipping label. When appropriate, replacement of such items is of course at no charge for product or shipping cost.


  • Sorry to say that we can not make exchanges for printed patterns, pre-fused laser cuts or pattern books.
  • From time to time we have Customers that engage in frequent purchases of printed mini stamp panels. With hundreds of titles, we can understand that a Customer may inadvertently order a duplication or an incorrect item. As long as such an issue is reported to within two (2) days of order receipt the item can be exchanged for a like item. In this case the shipping in both directions is paid by the Customer. The exchanged item must be the same we shipped for that order, received by us in its original packaging and in new, good and sale-able condition.


  • When refund is appropriate it is submitted by Zebra immediately, with notification of same to Customer, and processed through the same payment method used for the purchase, according to card issuer timelines.