Marie Skłodowska Curie was born in Warsaw in 1867. She was a physicist and chemist who pioneered research on radioactivity. Curie was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, and the only woman to win the Nobel Prize twice in two different scientific fields. Marie married French physicist Pierre Curie, and they shared a Nobel Prize. She founded the Curie Institute in Paris, and the Curie Institute in Warsaw. Both remain major medical international research centers. During World War I she developed mobile X-ray units for field hospitals. “Madame Curie” died in 1934 from exposure to radiation.
We are always adding to this Collection of her-storic women! Use 6" square Mini Panels for tote pockets, block centers, or fabric postcards. Multiple blocks can be assembled into a large quilt or wall hanging to represent our female heroes in history or “herstory”. 18" square Panels available for individual portrait hangings or larger quilt center piece. See all the panel designs and much more!
Printed on 100% Cotton. Simply sandwich and quilt!