Elizabeth “Betsy” Griscom Ross born in Philadelphia, was a skilled seamstress who created the first American flag for President George Washington in 1776. “The Betsy Ross Flag” was made with 13 alternating red-and-white stripes and 13 stars in a square background of blue in the upper left corner. There are thirteen 5-pointed stars in a circle representing the original 13 colonies that fought for their independence during the American Revolutionary War. Betsy loyally made flags for the US military for over 50 years.
We are always adding to this Collection of her-storic women! Use 6" square Mini Panels for tote pockets, block centers, or fabric postcards. Multiple blocks can be assembled into a large quilt or wall hanging to represent our female heroes in history or “herstory”. 18" square Panels available for individual portrait hangings or larger quilt center piece. See all the panel designs and much more!
Printed on 100% Cotton. Simply sandwich and quilt!